Ahidra 66

Anaerobic Digestion Project for NILSA

05 May 2023
Ahidra obtains a contract to assist NILSA's anaerobic digestion plant project

NILSA (Navarra de infraestructuras Locales SA) has awarded Ahidra Colsen Technologies the Assistance Service for the drafting, the project, the construction management and the commissioning of the Centralized Sludge Plant of Tudela.

This state-of-the-art facility is called to manage sludge treatment from the Wastewater Treatment Plants (EDAR) in the south of Navarra, with a sustainable environmental solution.

The project aims to implement an innovative thermophilic anaerobic digestion process with three digesters with DIGESTMIX® technology that will harness the power of microorganisms to decompose organic matter, producing nutrient-rich fertilizers as by-products and biogas (22,5 GWh per year) that will be biologically desulfurized with BIDOX® and purified by upgrading to biomethane to be injected into the network.

Once built, Tudela's WWTP will be the first in Spain to have a thermophilic anaerobic digestion process, which presents notable advantages over traditional mesophilic digesters, since they have a higher yield in biogas production, higher removal of volatile matter from sludge and produces fewer pathogens. With this project, NILSA will contribute to a significant reduction in the carbon footprint.

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